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Draco Magnus takes shape. Rest your mouse pointer on each picture for more info. (Best viewed in full screen on a large monitor.)

Pic #1 Pic #2 Pic #3
1. Armature2. Detail of counterweights3. Detail of hind feet
Pic #4 Pic #5 Pic #6
4. Waxed cord for claws5. Shaped claws6. Wing fabric
Pic #7 Pic #8 Pic #9
7. Finished wing bases: front8. Finished wing bases: back9. Color plan
Pic #10 Pic #11 Pic #12
10. Core wool wrapping limbs11. Core wool on body12. White core for belly
Pic #13 Pic #14 Pic #15
13. Armature for teeth14. Adding waxed wool15. Finished dentures
Pic #16 Pic #17 Pic #18
16. Muscle definition17. Back felted into wings18. Trying out the teeth
Pic #19 Pic #20 Pic #21
19. Old eyes and new20. Choosing eyes21. First face
Pic #22 Pic #23 Pic #24
22. Preliminary color23. Final color (back)24. Final color (front)
Pic #25 Pic #26 Pic #27
25. Lifting the wings26. Coloring the underside27. Coloring the wing backs
Pic #28 Pic #29 Pic #30
28. Bracing the wings29. First active stance30. What a relief!
Pic #31 Pic #32 Pic #33
31. Beefing up the jaw32. Sculpting belly bands33. Setting the stance
Pic #34 Pic #35 Pic #36
34. Arm detail35. Adding arm muscle36. Final portrait